Before we went to Lluvia we found Rupert in a dungeon. Rupert is very confused. He is even more confused than Jacqueline and that is a lot of confused. Also he gets upset a lot and it is hard to understand why. He seems nice though.
The other thing that happened before we went to Lluvia is that I was Ooziels with Otto! I was wondering what would happen if two different people were Ooziels and split themselves and then fused with each other, and Otto said he would try it, so we did and we were Ooziels together.
A lot of things have happened to Otto.
I think he had trouble with my memories too, for different reasons, because so much of what I remember is dreams. But the trouble I had with Otto's memories is that they're real and there's a lot of them. I am not even very good at keeping track of the real things that have happened to me, so keeping track of the real things that have happened to Otto on top of that is much harder. It's easy to tell apart Otto memories from my memories though because the whole way he notices things is different from me. I think maybe it's something to do with him having no tentacles and fewer eyes? But I can tell apart the memories of him being an Ooziel from the memories of me being an Ooziel so it can't be just that.
We sat very still thinking about things for long enough that our friends got worried. I suggested that we try to give somebody a hug, and we did, and it was very good. I'm happy that I got to be Ooziels with Otto and give two-person Ooziel hugs. We also hugged ourself and I am very happy about that too. Then we split apart again and went back to being just ourselves.
I'm not sure if Otto meant for me to notice that he was trying to figure out if something was wrong with me, but I was remembering his memories and thinking his thoughts, so I did. I don't mind. It's reasonable to wonder if whoever made me did something sneaky to my mind and once you've wondered it it's sensible to try to find out. But he didn't find anything. I am glad about that! I would not like it if whoever made me did something sneaky to my mind.
After that we went to Lluvia because our locator spell showed one Chaos Emerald moving around a lot and Lluvia was where it was right then. It was in an apartment building, inside of a person, and the person was guarded by a Botfly, and the Botfly was BAD. It made my friends fall over unconscious! I did not like it at all. It had glowing green tentacles and was bad to look at and I don't ever want to have to fight one again.
We chased the person up onto the roof of the building and killed her but then she came out of a water tower so we fought her some more. The Chaos Emerald in her heart was green, and it moved between bodies when she died.
I don't remember that fight very well because a lot of things were happening and also Rupert got set on fire and screamed and tried to run off the edge of the roof. I think Jacqueline made a corpse friend out of the dead person, and then we took the Chaos Emerald out of her somehow, and she was badly injured and very confused, and that was the end of the fight?
She told us her name was Marianna and she was a ranger, and she asked after some friends of hers who we were confused about but it turned out she meant the dead people we found in the freezer in the power plant. Jacqueline gave her the corpse friend she made of her. I wonder what it would be like to have a corpse friend of myself? If I met another me I would want to snuggle but corpses are not very snuggly even after Jacqueline makes friends out of them.
Marianna wanted to go to her ranger station and tell everyone there that she was not dead, so we took her there, and Rupert wanted to stay there too, I think because he wanted to be really really sure he wouldn't get set on fire again. Clarence offered to use Parasonico's Analyze move on all the weird things the ranger station had collected, so we did that, and learned some neat things.
Then we found out that Jacqueline has a hole in her elbow, or maybe it would be better to say that Jacqueline's elbow is a hole? There is some arm above the elbow part and some arm below the elbow part and in the part where the elbow should be there isn't. Her elbow hole was bleeding rainbows and it was all very concerning, and we decided to go to Nosgoth to see if the vampires had any suggestions because Jacqueline is a vampire and maybe elbow holes that bleed rainbows are a vampire thing.