Power Plant

I woke up and fell onto a big spike, and it hurt the way real things hurt.

I don't know how I knew what real things are like, because I'd never experienced them before. But they're very different from dream things. Dream things are... soft. Real things are sharp. Especially when they are sharp things, like the spike I fell on.

There were people around me. They looked at me with their faces. I didn't know what the faces meant. I was confused about a lot of things.

I got excited and asked if this was real. That was silly of me. Fake things can say they're real just as easily as real ones can.

Someone started talking about whether things were real and how you could tell. I didn't understand them very well but it sounded like they were even more confused than me. I told them they weren't very helpful but I think that might have been mean of me.

It sounded kind of like the people put the spike there on purpose. That was confusing. I asked them why they did that.

They said it was because they were afraid I was dangerous, which seemed fair.

I don't remember everything that happened then, but I remember them asking me what I wanted, because it was hard to think of an answer. Mostly I wanted to not start dreaming again, and to be somewhere different from the place where I woke up.

They brought me out of the room where I woke up and I think they said their names but I was too confused then to remember them well. I remember them now though. They are Jacqueline and Sarah and Otto and Clarence. Sarah is very nice and Jacqueline is very confused and Clarence is good at fixing things and Otto is good at fights.

I think they asked me if I had a name. I didn't and couldn't think of one I liked, so they kept calling me "moth lady", which makes sense because I am a lady who is a moth. I have pretty wings and long tentacles that are good for hugging and for picking up things that are far away.

We moved around the place some more. They were looking for something but they didn't tell me what. (It was machine parts for Clarence to fix some things with but I didn't know that yet.) There were footsteps and they wanted to hide from the footsteps so we did that.

I don't quite remember what order the next things happened in. Order is still kind of hard, because dreams don't always have it. I remember finding a stapler, and stapling my tentacle to see what it felt like, and having the stapler taken away. I remember everyone else looking at some videos we found, and me being confused about them. I remember sneaking a tentacle through some bars to grab a vial that everyone else would have had much more trouble reaching. I remember getting in a fight and learning that I had attack moves, and making my pretty pretty wings shimmer. I remember a weird room with a spiky box in it, and the spiky box said Sacrifice on it, and the room was called something to do with fuel. I remember everyone trying very hard to get some generators running when they had hardly any fuel available but no one wanted to use the spiky box. I think I suggested that we use the spiky box, but they didn't listen to me and maybe that is a good thing.

After we got the generators running we went in the elevator down to the bottom of the power plant. (It was a power plant that they found me in.) (Why was there no power in the power plant until we split up the tiny amount of fuel between all the generators? I forget.)

In the bottom of the power plant there was a large box with a screen on the front and lots and lots and lots of tentacles. It was called Parasonico but we didn't know that then. I thought it might be a friend because of all the tentacles but then it turned out to be very much not a friend because it tried to kill us. If someone tries to kill you I think they are mostly not your friend although sometimes it is more complicated than that.

We fought Parasonico and killed it and then Clarence took the soulfruit and then he got to be Parasonico and have lots and lots and lots of tentacles. And Sarah could be a Monitor which is like a smaller Parasonico with less tentacles, so I had two entire tentacle buddies to snuggle with and I was very happy.

We still needed to look for the machine parts though so we poked around in the bottom of the power plant where Parasonico had been. There were some rooms with some things in them. One had an unconscious person who we cut open and took things out of, and one had some machine parts and also two fine manipulation spells which Clarence got VERY excited about. There was also a mysterious pool of black liquid with a big shiny red rock in it. We took the rock, I'm not sure why. Clarence put it in a box with some of its liquid.

Oh, I almost forgot the dead people! We must have found the dead people before we went to the bottom because after we went to the bottom we mostly did not find anything else except for a bunch of mons trying to kill us. There were some dead people in a freezer and Jacqueline put them in her corpse box. She might have had to leave one behind because there wasn't room, I forget.

Otto tried a spell that he didn't know what it did, and it turned out to kill things and make him crazy. The thing he killed was a hybrid like me but of a different mon; I am a hybrid of a Chrystalis which is why I have moth parts. It turns out when you kill a hybrid their mon parts all disappear and only the human parts are left, and it looks very uncomfortable.

We had a different spell that we didn't know what it did, and when we left the power plant we tried it, and it turned out to summon a friendly cloud with lots of eyeballs to fly around on. I like the cloud. It's cozy. I can fly by myself so I don't really need its help that much but it is nice to have something else to fly for me when I want to rest, or when we want to go really fast and it would be hard to keep up.

Then we went to a village where my friends have some more other friends, and some more things I didn't understand happened.
